About Us
The markets put you the customer in direct contact with the farmers, fishermen, growers and bakers. Every week, car parks, school playgrounds and town squares blossom into communities where you can meet your neighbours, swap recipes and fill your shopping baskets. If you want a farmers’ market in your area and have a suitable location in mind, get in touch and we might be able to help.
We manage every aspect of the markets from their conception to the daily running. We are very hands on, often at markets helping out. Our producers come from within 100 miles of the M25. They must raise, grow or bake everything they sell. We allow no middlemen at our markets, and have very strict rules about attendance.
All of our markets are Certified by FRA (Farm Retail Association). Our strict rules and high standards guarantee that Londoners are buying food from the farm and not a wholesaler.
Many farmers have cut out the middlemen and no longer sell to supermarkets. On top of this, many farmers have established links with restaurants and other food outlets in London, selling to them directly. The markets provide the hub to make it viable to drive to London. Farmers can then sell at market and deliver to retailers. We estimate that at least 50% of our farmers would not be in business if the London markets had not opened.