About Us
Algys Farm Shop is part of our family-run farm at Bintree, North Norfolk, where we have farmed since the 1930s.
The farm has a varied history in crop and animal production. Nowadays we specialise in arable crops and grow grain for animal and human consumption. We also produce sugar beet for British Sugar, barley for beer, and a small amount of vegetables and Christmas trees for our own Farm Shop.
Algys Farm Shop offers a great range of seasonal fresh home grown produce and other goods locally sourced from as near to our shop as possible. Our home grown vegetables include asparagus, pumpkins, cauliflower, cabbages, broccoli and kale.
Daily deliveries of bread, meat, fish and mil are available throughout the year. We also offer seasonal specialties such as home grown asparagus, local soft fruits, pumpkins and of course Christmas trees.
There’s always a good selection of cold meats, pies, tarts, rolls, fruit, preserves, pickles, and soft drinks – just right for your picnic.